SHVAT: A 12 Dimensions Womens Seminar series

Based on Kabbalistic teachings of the Ariz'l.

A shared exploration for women...

of our visceral wisdom
of the month of Shvat
through Pnimius Torah,
Meditation, Music,
Movement & Dance

To register and for more information:
TEL/ WHATSAPP: +972 54-720-6779


How can we nurture the seeds of our Visions conceived in Kislev, planted and sowed in Teves and now sprouting into fruits. Let's explore our visceral wisdom as Hashem guides us on all levels of nurturing our dreams.

During these last days of Teves, the darkest days of the year we are navigating through the reality roads of this world lit by sparks of vision. It is especially a time of self- transparency during which we can identify the passions, drives and motivations which still might be steering us off the path of emes as we strive to merge with true vision. We struggle to shed our עור (our skins inherited from the nachash) as we tune into the pinimius nachash of kedusha guided by the focus of our inner עי (eye). With our deepened sight we see the טוב(good) in everything that is Divinely sent to us as road posts steering our journey. It is for us to not lose sight of the hoshgakha pratis (Divine Providence) lovingly designed for each of our souls.

How many of us had days or moments of darkness, despair or just not wanting to crawl out of bed? Just like the core of rectifying anger is to realign the intense energy of our passions and drives with Hashem’s Will as we are guided towards living our visions so too the core of depression is when our drives and passions try to create detours and roadblocks on our path to align with Will as we step into true vision. Now we can pierce through our familiar unrectified shadows that still emerge and try to pull us away from becoming and living our emes.

May we all be blessed to connect with our soul sisters who share our path and light the way for each other as we cry out the words of Yaakov Avinu as he blessed Dan לישועתך קויתי השם For Your salvation I hoped (and longed) for.