Nechama Sarah Nadborny Burgeman
Nechama Sarah Burgeman, Tarom, Israel
Nechama Sarah Gila is an author, teacher, spiritual therapist artist and musician who has been living in Israel for the past 39 years. Her books are based on extensive research throughout the written and oral Torah, especially the Kaballah of the Ari z”l and her meditations throughout the land of Israel.
Nechama Sarah Gila holds Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi degrees in cultural Anthropology with a minor in Art History.. After her world travels motivated by her passion for the diversity of world cultures and people she landed in Israel where she redirected her studies to Chassidut and Kaballah where she explored the depths of meaning of the twelve tribes of Israel and their Kaballistic significance.
Nechama Sarah has developed a unique innovative therapy based on the Twelve Tribes of Israel, our genetic heritage. Author of “The Twelve Dimensions of Israel” which has sold over 1700 copies, Israel and the Seventy Dimensions of the World and The Princess of Dan, Nechama’s scholarly research and feminine integration has brought the teachings of Chassidut and Kabbalah into practical healing. Therapists have studied and used her innovative methods. Single women have moved on to marriage attributing the therapy to this transition. Many women have testified to their ability to move through major life issues. She is currently offering a certification training program.
The emphasis of this unique inner work is to access the spiritual function of each of our twelve aiverim (body parts). Each aiver corresponds to a specific tribe, month, (sense), permutation of G-d’s 4-lettered name, mazal, simple letter etc. After teaching about each particular dimension Nechama leads a creative movement experience accompanied by her original harp music. This is followed by an in depth personal processing during which one experiences a non cognitive shift towards an integrative wholeness. This deep inner work enhances creativity, spiritual wellness, balance and clarity for actualizing one’s soul’s purpose in this world.
Nechama Sarah Gila has given lectures based on her books and artwork and lead therapeutic workshops throughout Israel and the U.S.. She currently teaches on zoom.
The Tribal Therapy Workshop is based mostly on the teachings from The Twelve Dimensions of Israel.
Contact: Email, Tel: 0547206779
Books by Nechama Sarah
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The Twelve Dimensions of Israel
This book is a guide for harmonizing the many dimensions of the human personality. It is based on our ancient kabalistic sources which provide a paradigm for understanding and healing the body and soul
The Twelve Dimensions of Israel is a personal journey which evolved from scholarly research into the essence of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Based on Scriptural, Midrashic, Talmudic, and Kabbalistic sources, the Tribes here unfold into a matrix of spiritual and psychological archetypes, enriched by their respective correspondences to the months of the Jewish year, the sense, the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the limbs of the body, and so on. In the course of her research, the author traveled to the land-inheritances of the tribes and meditated on the relevant material from sacred texts. Paintings, poetry, and prose (in the form of a spiritual travelogue) arose from this synthesis of knowledge and experience, which illustrate a very intimate and organic process of spiritual growth and healing. The result is a very informative and educational, yet also spiritual and personal book..
Israel and the Seventy Dimensions of the World
This book is a guide for finding inner peace based on Kabbalistic models. From the pristine wellsprings of our sources we discover the present meaning of exile and how to redeem ourselves in preparation for the final redemption.
Israel & the Seventy Dimensions of the World is a personal journey of healing and reconciliation using the paradigm of the seven archetypal exiles of Israel. These seven major archetypes are the basis of all seventy core-nations fo the world. What Israel has experienced historically, the individual soul experiences psychologically. An archetype is a symbol within the collective consciousness of humanity. The archetypes of exile represent the psychic aberrations that each of us experiences. Psychic aberrations are forms of blocked energies that manifest through thoughts, feelings, and images. Based on Scriptural, Midrashic, Talmudic, Kabbalistic, and Chassidic sources, this book creates an imagery of Israel and the cultures of the world unfolding into a matrix of spiritual and psychological archetypes. Through writing, poetry, and painting, Nechama leads us through a process of reconciliation in which we confront, accept, and resolve our experiences of exile. Thus we reclaim our essence, return to the true pulse of life within, and discover the depth of inner peace that links us directly to the process of world peace and redemption.
The Princess of Dan
A novel which prepares ourselves for redemptive consciousness as we tap into the eternal place in our souls which already lives in the ever-present future.
The Princess of Dan is a journey of self redemption. One of the two main characters, Danya, is a young woman who lives in Israel at a future time, when the Third Temple has been built. She leads a life that celebrates the gift of redemption. Sarah, the other main character, is a child of the 60’s struggling through geographical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual exile. She finally arrives in the Land of Israel. As Danya and Sarah’s relationship becomes evident, the line between exile and redemption fades as Sarah finds her own personal redemption.
Our personal and collective redemption requires an inner journey towards the Source of our unity. Redemption is a transformation from our world of mirrors and self-projections to a world of truth and clarity. As we work through our personal stories, we share in the revelation that we really are all facets of one collective soul. True healing occurs when each person fulfills a unique role in expressing the light and love of this truth. Personal redemption is wholeness reclaimed. There is no more inside and outside, hidden and exposed, or mirrors and self projections’ confusing one’s journey. There are no more battles between the higher self and the lower self, the Divine soul and the animal soul, the injured child and the conscious adult. Rather, our point of reference is pure essence. We transcend inappropriate scenarios of this world as we reclaim ourselves from our personal stories. As each person’s identity merges with the Divine love, the life pulse of all creation, we are redeemed.
What People Are Saying
I found myself in this holy and lofty dimension embraced by light, hope, unity and love.
The waters below are yearning to rise up and merge with the heavenly waters above! This time lets delve into the Well’s and holy waters of Miriam, becoming more fluid humble light beings/vessels for the Torah to more freely flow into this amazing eartly dimension!!!
The word “Amazing” is so overused today. Too bad it isn’t saved to describe the Nechama Sarah’s workshop in Pomona which was, actually, AMAZING, wonderful and more… the atmosphere was so conducive to immersion in each of the learning experiences. Doing the work of the land, shvatim etc outside then moving in through the nourishing meal to the work of the home, Shalom Bayis. Something unique.
All of us are traveling on all kinds of journeys, never alone, always with God holding our hands. But now Nechama Sarah. you brought me the consciousness that all that our Imahot accomplished and overcame in their life, lives in each one of us. If we can just tap into their amazing energy we can become uplifted, inspired and bring so much more healing into our life and the world. Thank you so much for the most awesome trip into infinity and at the same time into the truth of reality.
Nechama Sarah is a pure channel of Hashem's light. Whether through her breathtaking artwork, her soul stirring harp music, or her incredible access to deep Jewish wisdom, she supported me in connecting more deeply to Hashem.