Nechama Sarah Burgeman
A 4 Step Geulah Consciousness
Absorbing the Pesach Light of Redemption into Daily Life
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Birthing the depth of our soul…

Feminine Torah Study with Nechama Sarah
"Tapping into our mother, Leah Imeinu, help us evolve to complete the Healing Transition into bodies of Light"
"It takes courage to create the necessary boundaries to contain this new redemptive light. Let’s support each other in our process of birthing the Shechina as she is leaving her exile."
“This meditation is truly invigorating. I feel surrounded & filled with healing light & deep love!”
Shalom Beautiful Women,
We are now integrating the light of Pesach through the details of our life during Sefirot Ha Omer. Erev Kriyat Yom Sof- shevi shel Pesach, was hod sh b chesed.
Moving energetically down the feminine left side of the tree of life; binah, gevorah and hod we are now actively forming our new vessel for containing healthy love.
First we acknowledge the boundless love that Hashem wants to bestow upon us. However, in the human realm we must receive this gift in measure. As we create and deepen healhty loving relationships we are now in the process of metamorphosizing our vessels according to the healing we have done through our inner work with the pinimius Torah. Especially now we acknowledge the imperative to draw boundaries which define acceptable and non acceptable behaviour and communication as we honor our healing.
We wear our crowns and create dignified, respectful and loving relationships by drawing boundaries from the higher feminine. This is the awareness of the tikkun of being part of the collective process of yichudim (unification) of the feminine and masculine elements of every interaction. The details of the tikunim in this world must be illuminated by this awareness so that boundaries are not created from anger or fear.
Often it takes courage to create the necessary boundaries no matter how inspired we are by this new redemptive light. Let’s support each other in our process of birthing the shechina as she is leaving her exile.
Love & Blessings for a geula shlema!
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where you are supported in learning, growing and living the Feminine Torah as taught by Nechama Sarah.
May we be blessed to wear our crowns with full health and simcha as we are together as עם אחד אם לב אחד - one people with one heart in the last birth contraction of the geula shlema.
–Nechama Sarah