Kislev: Aligning with Your Dreams with Nechama Sarah and the 12 Dimensions Therapy

Kislev is the month of dreams & visions.

12 TRIBES Workshops in TZFAT!

Join Nechama Sarah Burgeman, author of The Twelve Dimensions of Israel MONDAY NOV 15 • 11 KISLEV

12:30 – 2:00 pm

Kislev: Aligning with Your Dreams with the 12 Dimensions 

Bas Medrash / RestarTzfat Community Center


7:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Birthing Kislev Vision Workshop

Using the 12 Dimension Movement Therapy!

Artist Quarter Minyan / 45 Tet Vav

Suggested donation appreciated: 40 ILS (or pay whatever you can)

Sponsorships available.

For more info, to sponsor and to book private 12Tribes Therapy sessions with Nechama Sarah:

whatsapp +972 54-720-6779 / 054-720-6779

Receive the crystal clear eternal vision which will direct you in moving forward.

Let go of old dreams that do not truly serve your Soul Purpose in this world!

Experience the joy & focus of aligning with the vision that guides your Soul Purpose in this world!