A course to reclaim the pure core of our soul on our journey in the geula together.

Sign up for our current workshops in Israel & LA
From Triggered Reaction to Spiritual Maturity: Teshuva
Access to a special guided workshops helping you overcome unhelpful emotions and supporting you in tapping into your spiritual potential (based on the Torah of the Ari’zl)
Twelve Dimension Therapy
1) Opening up the feminine with movements and limud of the Imaot of the Tribes
2) Healing through the Twelve Dimensions within based on the 12 aiverim defined by the Kaballah through limud, movement to instrumental harp music and processing as we share our personal shifts
3) How to apply this process for creating healthy relationships
Module 1 of the 12 Tribes Course!
Module 1
Explore 6 of the 12 Dimensions of Israel in the most personal way, integrating these dimensions in our own bodies and beings in so many ways:
With (Yehuda) we stand for ourselves with true integrity to self and with (Yissachar) - we find the balance between supporting ourselves and others,
And our last Dimension of Gad, brings us to the end of Module One which means that ...
Now you may be eager and excited to get involved in the life transforming course and skills…
Overcoming Challenges & Actualizing Potential - with Nechama Sarah and the 12 Dimensions of Israel
Sign up for your FREE Soulmate Relationship Course
““Nechama Sarah is an extra-ordinary and unique teacher and spiritual guide. While most teachers give over information while the students passively receive and try to integrate it, Nechama Sarah helps you to live and fully experience the Torah she teaches. Based on the writings of the Arizal and years of comprehensive study and research, Nechama Sarah has developed a program for healing using the 12 dimensions of the Tribes of Israel as her paradigm. Each tribe corresponds to a different month in the Jewish year and to a different body part. Through majestic movements Nechama Sarah teaches you how to move with your body and specifically the limb associated with that particular tribe in that particular month. This enables you to access and release the Divine energies associated with that limb. The result is a dynamic interaction between your conscious self, your physical self, and the G-dliy potential inside of you. After experiencing a “healing session” with Nechama Sarah, you walk away transformed, liberated, and free to express who you truly are: a Divine being created in the image of G-d.”
—Devorah Yaffa Singer, Ma’ale Amos

Try a session for free and see if it’s right for you.
The waters below are yearning to rise up and merge with the heavenly waters above! This time lets delve into the Well’s and holy waters of Miriam, becoming more fluid humble light beings/vessels for the Torah to more freely flow into this amazing earthly dimension!!!
-Rachel Leah